
Ensana Health Spa Resort Margitsziget (HU)

Margitsziget is part of the European Ensana Health Spa Resorts, a range of health hotel resorts located in the heart of Europe, which ensure luxury and comfort for guests.

Found on a beautiful island in the river Danube, right in the center of Budapest. The natural mineral water found underground is 70 C hot, but the spa cools it down to 34, 36 and 40 degrees Celsius. There are many other attractions found on the Margitsziget Island including tennis courts, mini zoo, cruise ships and 4-person family bike rentals.

The therapy offers exercises, massages, mud and relaxation therapies for your well-being. On average 6 treatments a week, check up with a doctor, half or full board, use of all facilities i.e swimming pools, Kneip’s path, sauna, steam sauna, whirlpool and so on.

The healing water is best for treating all

  • rheumatoid illnesses
  • arthritis
  • back pain
  • After orthopedic surgery


Iodine bath:  bath in 36-38 degrees warm natural healing water with iodine and bromine. Indications are:

  • Musculoskeletal disorders, rheumatism, osteoporosis
  • Neurological disorders- helps lessen spasticity
  • Gynecological disorders- helps normalize the menstrual cycle
  • Skin diseases
  • Helps the healing of scars
  • Sleeping disorders, stress and fatigue
  • Strengthens immunity

Iodine bath with aromatic oils: addition of rose, bergamot or jasmine scents

Aromatic bubble bath:  bubble bath in 37-38 degrees water. Indications are insomnia, neurological disorders, neurosis

Laser + symphytum gel: Symphitum gel is applied for the problems of the musculoskeletal system and skin disorders. The gel is first gently massaged into the skin and afterwards laser is applied for about 10 minutes the get the gel deeper into the layers of the skin.

Bioptronic lamp: is a natural method to stimulate the body. It is suitable for the treatment of rheumatism, toothache and inflammation of gums, migraines, joint pain, gynecological problems, skin conditions (acne, eczema, scars, cellulite, and burns)

Iodine mineral wraps: to activate the regeneration of the human body with the help of natural resources

Oxygen therapy: is based on inhaling oxygen in higher concentration than from the air. It increases the concentration of oxygen in the blood and makes the blood flow faster so oxygen can get into tissue. It is a complex therapy that can be generally used without any side effects. It is most suitable for illnesses of lungs and bronchitis, diseases of heart, nervous system diseases, for depression, insomnia, fatigue, for regeneration after hard physical exercise